Terms and Conditions

These Terms of Use and Purchase Conditions (hereinafter, “Conditions”) establish the terms governing the use of the goodmoments.com website and all its domains and sub-domains. Before using this website, please read these Conditions carefully, as well as our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, all of which are available on the website itself.


By using this website or placing an order through it, you consent to be bound by these Conditions, as well as by our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, so if you do not agree with what is established in them , you must not use this website.


These conditions may be modified, so it is your responsibility to read them periodically in order to know those that are in force at the time of using this website or placing your order. In case you have any questions, you can contact us by sending an email to info@goodmoments.com



Identity of the parts:


We inform you that the company GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL is the company in charge of centralizing the marketing of the products on this website. Thus, these Conditions are applicable to the relationship between GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL (hereinafter referred to as “GM”), and you (hereinafter, the “Client”) in terms of all transactions carried out on the website. goodmoments.com. is a commercial entity of Spanish nationality, domiciled in Córcega, 62 (Local) CP:08029 Barcelona and CIF: B67201038, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona on page B-518844 Folio 105.



Customer data and commitment


The information or personal data that the Client provides us will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Cookies Policy. By making use of this website, the Client consents to the processing of their data and states that they are true and correspond to reality. Therefore, the Client undertakes to:

  1. Make use of this website only to make legally valid queries or orders;
  2. Do not make any false or fraudulent order. In case of indications of falsehood or fraud, we will be authorized to cancel the order and inform the relevant authorities. Likewise, we do not assume any type of responsibility for the damages and/or expenses that may derive from it.
  3. Provide us with your email address (mail), postal address and/or other contact information truthfully and accurately. Likewise, the Client consents that we can use said information to contact him, if necessary. If the Client does not provide all the necessary information, the order cannot be processed.
  4. Do not make improper use of this website by intentionally introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other program or technologically harmful or harmful material. The Client will not try to have unauthorized access to this web page, to the server in which said page is hosted or to any server, computer or database related to our web page. Failure to comply with this clause could lead to the commission of offenses typified by the applicable regulations. By placing an order through this website, the Client declares to be over 18 (eighteen) years of age and to have the legal capacity to enter into contracts.




Product Availability: GM will do its best to accommodate all of its customers’ demand for products. But all product orders are subject to their availability and, in this sense, if there are difficulties in supply, or if there are no items in stock, we reserve the right to provide you with information about substitute products. equal or superior quality and value that you can order. If you do not wish to order such substitute products, we will refund any amount you may have paid.


The products offered on this website are only available for the Spanish Peninsular territory and the Balearic Islands (the Canary Islands as well as Ceuta and Melilla are excluded). In the event that the Client requests its shipment outside the aforementioned territory, we reserve the right not to accept and/or cancel the order.



Placing your order


To place an order, the Customer must follow the online purchase procedure and click on the “FINISH MY ORDER” button. Subsequently, the Customer will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their order (“Processing your order”) within 24 hours of it. The Customer will also be informed, via email, that the order is being shipped (“Order Completed”). Likewise, the Customer can check the status of his order by contacting Customer Service.





At the time the Customer makes the payment, they must choose the shipping method in order to carry out the delivery of their order. Shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping method chosen, as well as depending on the size and weight of the order, being calculated automatically during the payment process, and before finalizing the order. Those orders and payment confirmations received after 12:00 noon (local time), will be processed the next business day (working days from Monday to Friday, except holidays marked in the official calendar.). We have the following shipping methods:

    • Standard * (1-3 business days) The delivery time for your order is 1 to 3 full business days, counting from the date of placing the order and payment of the corresponding price. The cost of your shipment is established based on the weight and the destination (peninsular, insular (Balearic Islands))

If for any reason we cannot meet the delivery deadline, we will inform you of this circumstance and give you the option of continuing with the purchase by establishing a new delivery date or canceling the order with a refund of the price paid.

In the event that it is impossible for us to deliver your order, it will be returned to our warehouses. We will contact the Client at the telephone number provided by him, in order to establish a new delivery date. In the event that four attempts to deliver the order have been made without its delivery being possible for reasons not attributable to us, we will understand that the Client wishes to withdraw from the contract and we will consider it resolved. As a consequence of the termination of the Contract, we will return to the Client all those payments related to the order, which we would have received from the Client, except for the additional costs derived from the termination of the contract, which will be delivered within a maximum period of 14 days from the date on which we consider the contract terminated.

It will be understood that the order has been delivered at the moment in which the Client or a third party indicated by the Client, acquires the material possession of the products, which will be accredited by signing the receipt of the order at the indicated delivery address. for the client. The risks of the products will be borne by the Customer from the moment of delivery.


Orders cancellation

We reserve the right to cancel any order (even if it has been previously accepted), not being responsible for any damage and/or expense, in the following cases:

  1. When an involuntary error has occurred in the online store; for example, a payment or stock error.
  2. When there are reasons to believe that the Client is a minor or that the credit card to be used does not meet the requirements described in these Conditions.
  3. When the payment information provided by the Customer is incorrect or unverifiable.
  4. When the shipping address provided by the Client is from outside the territory, or the order cannot be delivered to the address provided by the Client.

In the case of identifying any of these assumptions, we will duly notify you via email, in order to be able to resolve the problem before carrying out any action.



The prices on the goodmoments.com website include VAT, applicable on the day of the order, but exclude shipping costs, which will be added to the total amount due as shown in the table below:

The PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS will be the one that appears on the website. The price is expressed with taxes included, as these taxes are fixed on the date of acceptance of the offer. The price must be paid in full when making the purchase.



The payment of orders can be made using the following methods:

  • Payment by credit or debit card. We reserve the right NOT to accept certain payments with certain credit cards.

If you attempt to pay by any other means, we are not responsible for loss of payment or any other damage caused by the Customer’s action. Payment is only accepted in Euros

  • Payment by credit/debit card:

The charge is made online, that is, in real time, through the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution and once it has been verified that the data communicated is correct.

In order to provide maximum security to the payment system, GM uses secure payment systems from leading financial entities in electronic commerce.

In this sense, the confidential data is transmitted directly and in encrypted form (SSL) to the corresponding financial entity. The SSL encryption system that we use provides total security to the transmission of data through the network. Your data enjoys total confidentiality and protection.

Credit card information is not recorded in any of our databases. They are only used in the virtual POS (Point of Sale Terminal) of our financial institution, through its Secure Payment Gateway.

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuer of the same, but if said entity does not authorize the payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery and we will not be able to formalize any Contract with You.


Policy of exchanges, returns and/or withdrawal

Changes, returns and right of withdrawal

If for any reason the Customer is not satisfied with the product purchased on our website, they have 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of delivery to claim a refund. Likewise, the Client has the right to withdraw from this contract within a period of 14 calendar days without the need for any justification.

In such a case, we will proceed to reimburse the full amount of the price of the product, shipping costs are not included, using the same means of payment used by the Client for the initial transaction. The refund will be made within 14 calendar days following the notification of the date on which the Client communicates his decision to withdraw from the contract.

NOTE:  For reasons of health and hygiene protection, changes or returns of those products sealed for health or hygiene reasons that have been opened or unsealed will not be accepted.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary for the Client to notify us of the decision to withdraw from the contract, through an unequivocal statement and by the following means:


Postal/Zip code:

The Client can use the following text, although its use is not mandatory:

Address: Córcega, 62, Esc B (Local)


Email: info@goodmoments.com
Mr./Ms. _________________________, residing at _________________ I hereby inform you that I withdraw from our sales contract for the following good(s) (Reference number corresponding to each item purchased) ________________________ with order number
____________________ requested on date _____________________ and received on date ____________________.
Date: Signature (only if submitted on paper)



The Client can use the form indicated in the previous section and send it to the following email: info@goodmoments.com

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any case the right of withdrawal will be considered validly exercised by the Client by sending the aforementioned withdrawal document.


Consequences of withdrawal

In case of withdrawal, we will return to the Customer all payments received after the purchase, including shipping costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the choice by the Customer of a delivery method other than those established in the previous section) , without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days, counting from the date on which you inform us of the decision to withdraw from this contract. We will proceed to make said reimbursement using the same means of payment used by the Client for the initial transaction. We reserve the right to withhold reimbursement until we have received the products, or until you have provided proof of return of the products. The Customer shall return or directly deliver the goods without undue delay and.


Returns of defective products

In cases where you consider that at the time of delivery the product does not conform to the provisions of the Contract, you must contact us immediately through our email info@goodmoments.com , providing the details of the product, as well as the damage it suffers, in some cases we will request that you send us a photo of the damage.

Once the notification is received at info@goodmoments.com , we will contact you to inform you about how to proceed with your return.

Procederemos a examinar detenidamente el producto devuelto y le comunicaremos por e-mail dentro de un plazo razonable si procede el reembolso o la sustitución del mismo (en su caso). El reembolso o la sustitución del artículo se efectuará lo antes posible y, en cualquier caso, dentro de los 14 días siguientes a la fecha en la que le enviemos un correo electrónico confirmando que procede el reembolso o la sustitución del artículo no conforme. Las cantidades pagadas por aquellos productos que sean devueltos a causa de algún defecto, cuando realmente exista, le serán reembolsadas íntegramente, incluidos los gastos de entrega incurridos para entregarle el artículo y los costes en que usted hubiera incurrido para devolvérnoslo a nosotros. La devolución se efectuará en el mismo medio de pago que se utilizó para pagar la compra.

For any question or request for information, you can contact us by email at info@goodmoments.com


Customer Support

For any claim or query you can contact us through the section of the website or through the following means of communication:


Email: info@goodmoments.com


Direct chat on the website


If the Client contracts as a consumer and user, we offer guarantees on the products that we market through this website, in the legally established terms for each type of product, responding, therefore, for the lack of conformity of the same that is manifest a period of two years from the delivery of the product. The guarantee regarding those damages caused by use or improper use is excluded, as well as in general all those excluded by current legislation.

It is understood that the products are in accordance with the contract provided that (i) they conform to the description made by us and have the qualities that we have presented on this website, (ii) they are suitable for the uses to which the products are ordinarily intended. of the same type and (iii) present the usual quality and benefits of a product of the same type that are reasonably expected.


Liability and disclaimer

Unless expressly provided otherwise in these Conditions, our liability in relation to any product purchased on the website will be strictly limited to the purchase price of said product. All the descriptions, photographs of products, information and materials that appear on this website are provided “as a true body” and without express or implicit guarantees on them except those established by law. Some products may appear slightly larger or smaller than actual size due to display settings and photographic technique.

Other items may be represented larger than actual size, in order to clearly show details; or smaller than its actual size, in order to show the entire article. Likewise, the color tones in the photographs of the products in the online store may be altered by the resolution of your monitor, and may differ from the real ones.

We will not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from a denial-of-service attack, virus or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material that may affect the Customer’s computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of the use of this website. or from downloading content from it or, where appropriate, to which it redirects.


Overwhelming force

We will not be responsible for any breach or delay in the fulfillment of any of the obligations assumed, when it is due to events that are beyond reasonable control (“Cause of Force Majeure”). Causes of Force Majeure will include any act, event, failure to exercise, omission or accident that is beyond our reasonable control and, among others, the following: Strikes, lockouts or other protest measures. Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist threat or attack, war (declared or undeclared) or threat or preparation for war. Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic, or any other natural disaster. Impossibility of using trains, ships, planes, motor transport or other means of transport, public or private. Inability to use public or private telecommunication systems. Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government or public authority.

It will be understood that the obligations will be suspended during the period in which the “Cause of Force Majeure” continues, and we will have an extension of the term to fulfill said obligations for a period of time equal to the duration of the “Cause of Force Majeure”. we will use all reasonable means to end the “Cause of Force Majeure”, or to find a solution that allows it to fulfill its obligations despite the “Cause of Force Majeure”.


Industrial and intellectual property

The Client acknowledges and consents that all copyright, registered trademark and other industrial and intellectual property rights over all the contents of the website correspond to us or to those who granted us a license for its use.

The Client may not make use of said material in a manner other than that expressly authorized by us.


Written communications

The applicable regulations require that part of the information or communications that we send you be in writing.

The Client, with the use of this web page, consents that most of said communications are electronic. Thus, we will contact the Client by email or by posting notices on the website itself. For contractual purposes, the Client agrees to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges compliance with the legal requirement to be in writing.


Transfer of rights and obligations

The agreement is binding on both the Client and us, as well as their respective successors, assigns and successors in title. The Client may not transmit, assign, encumber or, in any other way, transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations derived from it, without having obtained our prior written consent.

We can transmit, assign, encumber, subcontract or in any other way transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations derived from it, at any time during its validity, without the Client’s rights being affected in any way. The lack of requirement on our part about the strict fulfillment of any of the obligations assumed by the Client, by virtue of a contract or these Conditions, or the lack of exercise by us of the rights or actions that may correspond, by virtue of said contract or the Conditions, it will not imply any waiver or limitation in relation to said rights or actions, nor will it exempt the Client from complying with said obligations.

No waiver by us of a specific right or action will imply a waiver of other rights or actions derived from a contract or the Conditions. No waiver on our part of any of these Conditions or of the rights or actions derived from a contract will take effect, unless it is expressly established that it is a waiver, and it is formalized and communicated to the Client in writing in accordance with the previously arranged.


Full agreement and partial nullity. Resignation.

These Conditions, and any document expressly referred to in them, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL, in relation to the object of the same. Likewise, they replace any other pact, agreement or previous promise agreed between the Client and GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL verbally or in writing.

The Client and GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL acknowledge having consented to the conclusion of a contract without having relied on any statement or promise made by the other party or that could be inferred from any statement or writing in the negotiations entered into by the two before it, except what is expressly mentioned in these Conditions. Neither the Client nor GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL have action against any uncertain statement made by the other party, verbal or written, prior to the date of a contract (unless such uncertain statement had been made fraudulently) and the The only action available to the other party will be for breach of contract, in accordance with the provisions of these Conditions.

If any of these Conditions or any provision of a contract were declared null and void by a firm resolution issued by a competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, without being affected by said declaration of nullity.


Modification of conditions

We reserve the right to review and modify these Terms at any time. The Client will be subject to the policies and Conditions in force at the time he uses this website or makes each order.



We have official claim forms available to consumers and users, who can request them by sending an email to Email: info@goodmoments.com

Likewise, you can send your complaints and claims to the indicated contact channels, being attended by our customer service in the shortest possible time and, in any case, within the legally established period.

In this sense, we inform you that if we have not satisfactorily resolved a claim, the Client has the right to go to an alternative resolution entity for consumer disputes, which has been notified to the European Commission, in accordance with the provisions of the law.


Language, applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The language in which the contract between GOODMOMENTS FOR ALL, SL and the Client will be concluded is Spanish.

The use of this website and the contracts for the purchase of products through said website will be governed by Spanish law. Any controversy that arises or is related to the use of the website or with said contracts will be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the Client’s domicile.

The European Commission makes available to consumers a platform for the resolution of online consumer complaints, which as a consumer you can use and which is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr /