Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal data of the users of our website, our customers, suppliers and other people with whom we can contact in order to provide the requested service.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

NIF: B67201038
Córcega, 62 Esc-B ( Local ), 08029 Barcelona, España


How do we obtain your personal data?

Directly through you.
In addition, we also collect certain information automatically when you access our website, read or click on emails we send you, or when you provide it to us.


What information do we collect about you?

In order to offer you our professional services we need to collect some of your data, in the event that you do not want to provide us with your data we will not be able to attend to your request. The data we may collect is:

  • Full name
  • Contact information (such as your name, phone number, or email address).
  • Bank data

This list is not limited or exhaustive of the categories of personal data that we may collect.


For what purpose do we process your personal data?

  • We will treat the information provided, in relation to the data collected for the following purposes:
  • Enable the provision of the requested services.
  • Manage purchases.
  • Inform by electronic means about the latest news.
  • Keep the Client informed, including by electronic means, about services, news and commercial information.
  • Manage you as a Client.
  • Carrying out administrative and organizational processes.
  • Respond to your request for information.


How do we keep your personal data protected?

To ensure the protection and maintain the security, integrity and availability of your data, we use various security measures.

Although it is not possible to guarantee absolute protection against intrusions in the transmission of data through the internet or from a website, we dedicate the maximum efforts to maintain the physical, electronic and procedural protection measures with which to guarantee the protection of your data in accordance with the applicable legal requirements in this matter. The measures we use include the following:

Limit access to your data only to those people who must know them in response to the tasks they perform;

Install perimeter protection systems for computer infrastructures (“firewalls”) to prevent unauthorized access, for example “hackers”, and regularly monitor access to computer systems to detect and stop any misuse of personal data.


How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. If your data is used for several purposes that require us to keep it for different periods, we will apply the longest retention period.

In any case, we limit access to your data only to those people who need to use it for the performance of their functions.

Our data retention periods are based on business needs, so in relation to personal data that is no longer necessary, either access to them will be limited to the fulfillment of strictly legal obligations or they will be securely destroyed.

If we have not had relevant contact with you for a period of two years, we will delete your personal data from our systems, unless we believe in good faith that the law or other regulation requires us to retain it (for example, at the request of a tax authority or in connection with possible litigation).


With whom do we share your personal data?

No data will be transferred to third parties, with the exception of access to them by company workers, Group companies, and those assignments that must be made as a result of a legal obligation.


What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

  1. Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not we are treating personal data that concerns them.
  2. Access, rectification and cancellation: The interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as, to request the rectification of those inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its cancellation when, for other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  3. Limitation of treatment: In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the treatment of their data. In this case, we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
  4. Opposition: For reasons related to their particular situation, in some circumstances, users may oppose the processing of their data and we will stop processing the data unless, for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims, it is not possible .
  5. Data portability: We will provide the interested party with the personal data that concern them in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading and will transmit them if the interested party so wishes, to another person in charge.
  6. The interested party may withdraw their consent at any time.
  7. It is possible to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if your rights have not been satisfied through its website.
  8. You can exercise your aforementioned rights by contacting