Benefits of Good Moments

A small sample of all the help Good Moments provides during the process


Rest at night and energy when you wake up

The key to being able to be highly productive during the day is to be able to get plenty of rest.


Vitality during the day

When you rest better, you feel more energetic during the day.


Concentration and clarity.

Many people tend to feel that their mind is not working 100%. When your mind works better you can think more clearly.


Productivity and throwput

When you are more focused and see things more clearly, performance and productivity suffer.

Start improving now!


No allergens


Without lactose


100% natural


Vegetal capsule


Vegan fit


Without gluten


No artificial records




No added sugars

High quality and purity ingredients

100% natural: don't settle for less



Hello, I am MAG and I am composed of magnesium. I intervene in more than 600 metabolic functions in your body.

Among other functions, I will help you to communicate between your nerve cells; I will promote the formation of proteins; I will be essential for the nervous impulse and the contractions of your muscles; I will help you improve your memory; to reduce your stress and anxiety.

In addition, I will participate in the formation of serotonin (which regulates your mood, sleep, stabilizes you in moments of tension, and intervenes in sexual desire) and I will improve your mood and help you to be more receptive to new information.


Bacopa monnieri

Hi, I’m BAC and I’m made from Bacopa monnieri , a very ancient plant, in traditional Indian medicine.

They consider me a plant with therapeutic effects. I have the gift of being an adaptogen, this means that I can help balance your body based on what it needs at all times, I adapt to what you need.

I provide antioxidants that can help you naturally increase resistance to short-term stress and reduce your mental fatigue. I want to help you maintain a neuroprotective, antioxidant activity, and helps balance the immune system. I want to help you achieve better cognitive function (memory, attention, learning).



Hello, I’m L-Theanina (I’m made of green tea), well… LT for friends. I am known for my calming effect by increasing the so-called hormones of happiness (serotonin and dopamine).

I help to increase them naturally, avoiding possible dependencies.

I am your ally to achieve higher levels of concentration, I will help you think clearly and, in addition, my antioxidant effect will help you maintain a stronger immune system, which we always need.