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A pack consisting of two formulas, Good Morning and Good Night, designed by a team with more than 40 years of experience and with a single objective: to improve your well-being from the inside.

The main objective of the team that we are part of GM is to be able to help people. For this, we believe that it is important that, before testing our product, the buyer should have the best possible information, without intermediaries.

For this reason, Good Moments can only be found in our store.

At Good Moments we believe that problems must be faced from within, from the source, and not look at the symptoms and go patching.

If you need to get active in the morning, you should start by getting a good rest. If you don’t get a good night’s rest, you should possibly reduce your stress… If not done correctly, it becomes a vicious cycle.

What have we done? Create a formula with the best synergy between its ingredients to achieve a full effect. That is why selling the products separately is not part of our philosophy.

It is true, but at Good Moments we have taken a step further and we have wanted not only the ingredients to be 100% natural.

What sense would it make to ‘wrap’ a 100% natural product with something that is not? For this reason, our capsules are transparent and of vegetable origin with BIO certificate, without the titanium dioxide or iron present in the colorants that they put in most opaque capsules.

In addition, our excipient is an organic rice extract to replace silicon dioxide (E551).

You should start to notice effects from day one (it will depend on your stress and anxiety levels). The effects of some of its ingredients, even from 60 minutes after the first intake.

Of course. To be consistent throughout the creation process, we have chosen fully recycled glass containers to contain the pills. In addition, the cardboard with which our box is made is fully sustainable with the FSC certificate.

In short, we accompany the highest quality ingredients with a manufacturing that is up to par.

The selection of each of our ingredients has been made seeking the best quality and purity in the world.

As our policy is of total transparency, we want to offer you all the details so that you can compare.


Do you still have any questions?

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